Tricks to increase real followers by Instagram story

atena valizade
4 min readMar 7, 2022


If you’re one of those people who deals with Instagram every day, you probably spend a lot of your time with stories. This part of Instagram is very popular because it is not permanent, it has various tools such as filters, and so on. Basically, when people open this application on their mobile phone, they first go to the stories. As a result, it can be said that using this section can be a good way to attract Instagram followers. Join us as we explore some of the tricks to increasing true followers using story.

tricks to increasing true followers using story

Is it possible to increase followers using story?

The answer to this question is one hundred percent big. Story is one of the best spaces we have to increase real followers. Story is one of the most entertaining parts of this social network. Attracting the audience through this section is done much faster and more efficiently. So our suggestion is that if you are looking for a way to increase followers, think of a story.

Build a compelling story

Naturally, the first thing we need to pay attention to is making an interesting story. But a significant portion of us forget this important principle. What fails to attract the audience can not ultimately increase your followers. If your story contains entertaining and interesting content, your current followers will pay more attention to you and your content, and they will be much more likely to send this story to their friends.

As a result, over time you will find that your number of followers has increased. This attraction must be both in terms of content as well as in terms of photography and filming techniques.

Find the right time to put the story

Now that you have a compelling story, you need to find the right time to post it. You may think that every time is right to put a story, but in fact it is not. You need to find your own watch in order to get the most views possible. This is largely due to the fact that they make up a significant portion of your followers. In order to find the best story clock, it is better to do this randomly several times in different hours and finally see which hours have the most views.

Pay attention to story graphics

Although content is always more important, one of the aspects that can make you a professional is that you also look good in terms of graphics and visuals. You may think that you are not a graphic designer to make an interesting story. Yes it is, but these days there are some great tools that can meet your needs to a great extent.

For example, the Canova website is one of the most popular tools that helps you create good stories in addition to designing strong graphic posts. Fortunately, the application of this tool is also available and you can install it on your Android and iOS mobile phone.

Provide engaging engaging content

One way to increase followers through storytelling is to provide content that leads to more engagement. This interaction will allow you to reconnect with your audience, and this will create a greater sense of confidence. One of the best ways to provide interactive content is to put a box for writing comments, multiple choice questions, and polls.

It is better to mention in the story that the opinion of the audience is very important to you and you will be happy for them to participate in this interaction. Note that one of the tricks of the Instagram story is to be able to take the audience with you.

Call to action in the story

A call to action is a request to the audience to do something. Of course, it is clear that no one will do a special job for you for no reason. Therefore, along with this call in action, there should be some kind of encouragement.

If you have been able to get traffic using hashtags and now you want to turn these visitors into your followers (in other words, you are doing marketing in the story); In such a case, you need to put a call to action in your story and instead offer something to the audience. For example, you can say that those who have been following you since 9 am today will participate in the big draw.

Mention the name and brand of competitors in the story

When you read the headline, you probably thought it was stupid to point out competitors. But this is not the case. Instagram is a very large network of communications and if you can not fit in, you will soon be forgotten.

Instagram algorithms work in such a way that when they see that you have mentioned another brand name in your story, they think that your field of activity is very close to them. That’s why they will put you on the suggested list of people who have followed those pages. In this way, it is possible to increase Instagram followers through stories.

Concluding remarks

Attracting followers on Instagram is one of the most important principles for surviving on this platform. If you want to be seen, if you want to increase the number of followers of your reality and tens if not more, you need to use all the potentials of this social network. Story is one of these tools that is provided to you.

In this post, we tried to share some of these Instagram story tricks with you. The important thing is that most of the things we mentioned here are directly related to how creative you are. So the most important thing to do is to publish content that is engaging and engaging enough to engage your audience. So that after a while, your followers will become your amount.

